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Our FMS files offer a downloadable version of our full range; they’re free to use and easy to setup without any IT support. See below links.

For system support call 0333 015 0212
Email at support@educationsoftwaresolutions.co.uk
Or go to https://www.ess-sims.co.uk

Informatics Computing
For system support call 01829 782130
Email at admin@informaticscomputing.co.uk
Or go to www.informaticscomputing.co.uk/

Civica Education
For system support call 01923 897333
Email at cbsl.support@civica.co.uk
Or go to www.civica.co.uk/education

If you do, shopping with us will be much smoother and efficient with our Smart Connect solution. Smart Connect integrates directly with your financial management system making ordering and invoicing a much smoother process all round – and you don’t need IT support for set up!

For more on FMS files, talk to our dedicated support team on 03451 203 210