Human Reaction Time Practical Test

Plan and carry out an investigation into the effects of a factor on human reaction time

Students are required to plan an investigation into a factor and its effects on human reaction time. They should choose appropriate apparatus depending on the variables they have chosen. A basic method is outlined below which investigates the effect of practicing an event on reaction time. The procedure involves a ruler drop and catch exercise. The exam board provides a conversion table so that students can calculate reaction time from the ruler measurements. The procedure could be repeated before and after drinking a caffeinated drink or could be conducted in silence and in the presence of background noise to see if there are any changes in results.

Subject: Biology Level: GCSE

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You will need:

• Chair

• Table



  1. Preparing the Experiment
  1. Pair Roles
    • Students work in pairs.
    • One person is Person 1 and the other is Person 2.
  2. Set Up
    • Person 1 sits on a chair with the forearm of their dominant arm resting on the table. Their hand should overhang the edge of the table.
      • Dominant Arm: Right arm for right-handed individuals, left arm for left-handed individuals.
    • Person 2 holds a meter ruler vertically, with the 0cm mark positioned between Person 1’s thumb and first finger.


  1. Conducting the Control Test
  1. Preparation
    • Person 2 tells Person 1 to prepare to catch the ruler.
  2. Reaction Test
    • Person 2 lets go of the ruler without warning.
    • Person 1 catches the ruler as quickly as possible using their thumb and first finger.
  3. Record Results
    • The number on the ruler aligned with the top of Person 1’s thumb is recorded.
    • Repeat the procedure several times after allowing Person 1 a short rest between attempts.
  4. Switch Roles
    • Person 2 now becomes the test subject, and the procedure is repeated.


  1. Analysing Results
  1. Convert Measurements
    • Use the conversion table provided to convert the recorded ruler measurements into reaction times.
  2. Document Results
    • Record all reaction times in a suitable table for both Person 1 and Person 2.

Technician tips

• Values from the conversion table could be marked on a strip of tape on the metre rulers, to save students some time when looking up their values.

Products you may need

Horizontal Reading Metre Ruler, Both Edges Divided - Pack of 10

£38.28 inc VAT

Undertake the required practical for human reaction time for GCSE biology lessons, including method and equipment. The practical involves a ruler drop and a catch exercise to investigate the time given to catch the ruler before a caffeinated drink and after the caffeinated drink. Shop our high-quality metre ruler for this practical. Browse Philip Harris for more school science equipment.